Friday, November 28, 2008


KARA Title 5-2 copy

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Finally figured it out! Woohoo!

Just a note - on some computer screens the photos on this blog look pixelated (is that a word?) After scratching my head about this I finally figured it out so hopefully after this there will be no more pixelated photos here! If you find that the photos are dark or blurry or if the photos are uploading really slowly on your computer, email me and let me know :)

Thanks in advance for looking out for me!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Audrey at 3 months with her Sisters!

Last month I had the opportunity to photograph baby Audrey with her 2 very energetic sisters Claire and Emma :) The girls were a joy to photograph - I've taught Claire piano before so I'm sure it was a different experience for her to have her piano teacher come to her house to take photos instead.

This photo session is the first of 3 sessions that we will do throughout Audrey's first year - the next one will be when she is 6 months old and then when she is 1 years old. It's a great idea to take photographs at these stages as it'll document Audrey's first year and her growth! I can't wait!

Thank you to Tonya, Ray and Auntie Maria! We'll do this again at the end of January!

Here are some photos from our photo session - these girls are such a delight!

Audrey Collage MIP

adorable Audrey!

Sisters Collage copy

Audrey OCT 2008-9 copy (1)Audrey OCT 2008-12 copy (1)

Audrey OCT 2008-21 copy (1)

<EmmaClaireAudrey FLICKR MIP copy

Thank you for viewing the photos :)
location: Vancouver
Baby & Children's Portraitures

Friday, November 21, 2008

I love FALL Weddings... Kim & Eugene

This November has been busy busy busy! Which means that I've been falling WAY behind on posting up photos from recent photo sessions and the 2 weddings that I've done over the past 3 weeks! So here's a teaser from Kim & Eugene's magical wedding day on November 2... :)

Kim Eugene Web Park FLICKR

Friday, November 14, 2008


Another sneak preview of adorable baby Audrey who is all smiles! Couldn't resist posting this one up now!

Audrey Preview-1 copy

Kayoko and Phil 's Wedding Reception at Hotel Vancouver

At the tail end of summer I was hired to take reception photos for Kayoko and Phil's wedding at the beautiful Hotel Vancouver. Their wedding reception was grand yet it was one of the most intimate weddings that I have experienced. The reception decor could be described as "classic girlie" since everything was pink! Endless pink lush flowers, pink bows on the seat covers and the second dress that Kayoko wore was pink and so was Phil's tie at one point!

Their daytime photographer was their friend Taka Kuwata of Kuwata Photography ( who's an awesome fashion and wedding photographer in Vancouver and on top of that a VERY nice guy!

Congratulations to Kayoko and Phil! Thank you for having me photograph your big night!
Here are some photos from the night... enjoy!

Phil Kayoko Wedding TITLE MIPPhil Kayoko Wedding - CAKE MIP

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-001
Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-004Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-006

I love the mother/daughter shots

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-008

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-002
Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-003

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-005

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-009

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-015

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-013

Phil Kayoko WEB mika inokoshi photography-014

Phil Kayoko Wedding -CANDID MIP

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On this Remembrance Day...

On this Canadian Remembrance Day....I remember an American WWII veteran which I called "grandpa".

Grandpa Nouchi was Japanese-American, born in Hawaii and was in his early 20's when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He quickly enlisted in the army to fight as an American. He joined the 442nd Infantry Regiment, an all Japanese-American combat team who had enlisted to show their loyalty to the U.S. at a time when anyone Japanese was the enemy in the States and in Canada.

Grandpa sailed away and didn't come back to Hawaii or to his wife for the next 3 years. He fought in the front lines in Italy and then in France in the Bruyeres region near Germany.

I was lucky to spend a whole summer with him a few years back. We often shared a papaya, watched Price is Right together and then watched the same war documentary video on the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He would reminisce about the battles his infantry was successful in and would proudly talk about the time he went to one of Hitler's summer houses after the Germans were defeated - he took some pebbles from the fireplace, slipped it in his pocket and has kept it ever since for show. Grandpa would also tell me about the ways him and the other soldiers kept their socks dry as they were fighting in the trenches and would go for weeks without changing or taking a shower. It was simple - they kept their extra socks by putting it on their head under their helmet~! He told me that because he was quite tall for an Asian, they put him in Company M, which was the heavy guns and artillery which would be more back of the combat line. The shorter soldiers would be on the very front line and it was not uncommon for them to be killed in action. The 442nd Infantry Regiment had a high casualty rate and was often referred to as the "Purple Heart Batallion" because of the unusually high casualty rate.

Grandpa didn't talk about the tragedies he experienced on and off the battleground. As we would watch the war documentaries, I would glance over at him and try to wrap my head around even a sliver of what this man had experienced physically and psychologically during his years as a front line soldier.

So today I think about and remember Grandpa Nouchi. Thank you Grandpa for teaching me and touching my life.

Granpa Nouchi

Grandpa looking suave at the Pukalani Obon festival in Maui.

Grandpa and me - both my real grandfathers passed away before I was born so I was more than happy to call Grandpa Nouchi, "grandpa"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Here's how I'm feeling today...

Michi CAT copy

The Yensons - One year later, one more baby!

Last year I was delighted when my friend Nana asked me to take family photos for her Christmas cards. They had 20 month old Adam and a new baby on the way!

Fast forward to this year and once again it's fall time and photos for Christmas cards with 2.5 year old big brother Adam and their newest addition, 6 month old Abby who is just a laid back cutie.

Here's some photos from our photo session at Rocky Point in Port Moody. Thanks Nana and Paul, can't wait till you guys move back to Vancouver and for spring time family photos!

More photos from this session are on the photostory / slideshow below :)

Yenson 2007 2008 Horizontal

Yenson 2008 JPEG-11 copy

Yenson 2008 JPEG-14 copy

Yenson 2008 JPEG-18 copyYenson 2008 JPEG-34 copy

location: Rocky Point, Port Moody

Monday, November 3, 2008

**NEW** Photostory aka Slideshow

Since a couple of years ago I've been hooked on creating slideshows or "photostories" as I like to call them. I've worked on personal projects as well as photostories / slideshows for weddings of friends and although it encompasses many hours to create, there's something special about moving photographs that flow to the music and it evokes emotion.

I'm now offering mini photostories to any of the photo sessions as an add-on. It's like a moving photo album which is great to keep and share with friends.

Here's a photostory of the Yensons from our photo session last month.
