Saturday, October 17, 2009

Leilani & Stephen {Wedding Day} Westwood Plateau

Finally I have a tiny bit of time to reflect on the past 5 months and start putting up some wedding photos!

We start on May 1 - the first summer wedding of the year and I'm asked by my friend Cathy who's a photographer in San Francisco to take photos at the reception of her friend Leilani and Stephen in Vancouver. You see, Cathy is a superwoman. She's a talented photographer ( who moved to San Francisco for her regular job. I don't see her too often but when I do it's endless hours chit chat on life and photography. Cathy was also super pregnant, almost 8 months at that time so she photographed the first 8-9 hours and I photographed the reception portion. Yup, she is indeed a superwoman.

Leilani and Stephen's reception was held at Westwood Plateau Golf & Country Club in Coquitlam and the night was filled with love and tons of kids! All the details were amazing as everything was handcrafted to perfection and each child had a personalized gift at their seat that kept them busy, which I'm sure was great for their parents. The night was capped off with a hilarious game of musical chairs with a twist which got quite competitive and it was won by the beautiful bride herself :)

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yumminess in a cup
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amazing handcrafted details
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Mommy to be and photographer Cathy and hubby Randy... now proud parents of baby Tyler born 6 weeks after the wedding!

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All children had a personalized bag of gifts and toys from Leilani & Stephen...boys supporting their new shades

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Congratulations to Leilani & Stephen!

1 comment:

yves said...

congrats ate lani & stephen love : yves